BI MONTHLY BLENDED ASSIGNMENT (General medicine paper) - JUNE 2021


QUESTION-1 : Competency tested for peer to peer review and assesment


The primary ethnology mentioned is correct. Treating with inj augmentin is also correct because it treats the patient if there is any bacteria causing infection present in lower respiratory tracts. Treation with azythromycin is also correct because it reduces the chest infections. This infection causes inflammation in lungs leading to narrowing of airways and blockage may occur due to swelling and mucus production and this is causing shortness of breath. The reason for her electrolyte balance is also given correctly.

Case 2: 
Patient is a known case of Denovo hypertension. It is also true that the ataxia is the cause of loss of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements. It is also true that blockage of bleeding in the brain which leads to deprived of nutrients in the brain and this leads to infract. The case is presented very well. It also tells about he impact of alcoholism on ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke. He is also given with tablets which treat his nausea, vomiting, to prevent clot formation, to treat wernickes encephalopathy and also to treat b12 deficiency. The case presentation is point to point and presented very well.

Case 3:
Everything is explained clearly and perfectly with diagrams. He also explained the reason for occurrence of Hoffman’s reflex which is a good thing. Diagrams are also explaining the question very well. 

Case 4:
Icortical vein thrombosis have been clearly explained. Risk factors have also been clearly explained. The reason given for gap of seizures for a period of time is due to the medications is absolutely correct. Usage of heparin as medication is absolutely correct for chronic venous thrombosis. The diagram given also explains the case very well.

Case 5: 
The difference between preserved ejection fraction and reviewed ejection fraction have been presented every clearly. The reason for performing cardioperentesis have also been clearly explained . The risk factors which cause the heart failure have also been clearly explained . The flow charts, diagrams, tables have made an impact in understanding. 

Case 6:
The reason for sob have been clearly explained. 
Acute tubular necrosis —> retention of fluid in lungs —>oedema in lungs —> shortness of breath
The reason for intermittent episodes of drowsiness also have been clearly explained and especially the complications of TURP which haha explained is point to point and understanding. 

Case 6:

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder) is clearly explained. The reason for no excessive urge of urination at night time is also clearly explained. The management process is also clear in which BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY is the most important thing.

Case 7:
The cause of liver abscess is clearly explained

Approach to patient is the most important thing in these type of cases. The approach is pinpointed,y explained with help of a diagram. It is as given below



Antibiotics were given for baceterial and amoebic causes and also ultracet and dolo 650 for fever. The treatment is also good.

Case 8:
The case presentation is very good. The diagrams helped in understanding. The approach towards the case seems convincing. The reasons and risk factors for hypokaelemia is also very well explained.

Case 9:
The warning signs of cva and drug rationale in cva is explained very well and the diagrams are also very convincing. The alcohol and lipid profile role on attack is also explained very well.

Case 10:
The evolution of symptamatology was clearly explained. He is a known case of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
The pharmacological interventions were also clearly described which include aspirin, atorvas, clopibb

I haven’t got any chance to present a case.
The case is presented very well and it’s a great work. The history taking was also good and all the reports were submitted in the form of pictures. The patient is a case of quadreparesis secondary to infectious spondylitis of C4 C5 C6 C7 D1 with epidural abscess at C5 - C6 level

I have learnt a lot in the last month in general medicine department. I have learnt how to approach a patient and understand their problems. It taught me that not only being sympathetic but being empathetic is most important. It also taught me the importance of doctor patient relationship. It improved my case solving technique. I also understood the importance of listening. It not only helped me in my academic growth but also in my personal growth.



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